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06.12.2023 729

5 Best Rewards in WoW Trading Post (December 2023)

December might be the only winter month that people look forward to: it's not just about being happy to freeze, it's also about holidays! Christmas and New Year are wonderful annual events that unite people from all over the world – and World of Warcraft joins celebration too! This time WoW has even more gifts than ever – some of them come in a shape of particularly great Trading Post rewards. But how are they gifts if you have to purchase them with Trader's Tenders? Consider them your gifts to your character and it will all make sense!

Anyway, let's take a look at 5 items in the Trading Post that we find especially appealing. We'll talk about more class sets (both armor & weapons), a mount, and a couple lovely weapon transmogs! Let's roll!


Another bunch of class armor sets

Item names:
  • Battle Magister's Regalia (Mage)
  • Hornstrider Hunter's Camouflage (Hunter)
  • Krag'wa Executor (Shaman)
  • Scales of the Silver Hoarder (Evoker)
What is it: cosmetic class-unique half-sets (3 items: head, shoulders, belt)
Get it for: 500 Trader's Tenders each 

We'll keep highlighting these great class-bound half-sets until Blizzard stop releasing new ones! Just think about it: a couple of expansions ago the developers decided to pull the plug on class sets altogether. And now, several years later, we get both raid class sets with each major content update and cosmetic class sets each month. We'd say that we're currently in a pretty good part of WoW's lifecycle and we'd like it to last. So enjoy new sets while we keep getting them!

That said, let's take a closer look at each set. Mages get a recolored upper part of Kael'Thas' outfit and we're really happy about it BUT we're now jonesing to get the rest of it! How can we use these great shoulder pads and crown without a mantle, Blizzard? 

Hunters go full Tauren-hunter aesthetics mode with all these feathers and arrows and it looks really great and will fit not just Taurens. Shamans get an expected ticket back to Zuldazar with a Zandalari-themed set reminiscent of that of King Rastakhan. It's absolutely fantastic but it's kind of weird that just Shamans get the honor to try out the king's look. And Evokers get a somewhat bland set but since they have so few class-unique ones, it's still a welcome addition.

Another bunch of class weapon sets

Item name:
  • Battle Magister's Enchantments (Mage)
  • Hornstrider Hunter's Preference (Hunter)
  • Tools of Krag'wa's Executor (Shaman)
  • Treasure of the Silver Hoarder (Evoker)
What is it: cosmetic class-unique weapon sets (3 items in each)
Get it for: 450 Trader's Tenders each

Weapon sets for us are an even more amazing phenomenon than Trading Post's armor sets. We've barely ever had anything like that before and it's cool to have it now almost every month. However, we'd not say that we approve of the idea of making some great weapon designs class-bound but that's still better than nothing.

Okay, let's see what's going on with weapons this December. Mages get a frost stuff, a fire 1-hand sword, and an arcane off-hand item. Each specialization is represented, looks good. However, wielding a fire sword and an arcane off-hand might not look exactly great but there are plenty of other weapons to match them with so it's alright.

Hunters get as many as 2 ranged weapons: a bow and a gun. Both are styled after the general theme of the armor set and stick to that prairie hunter theme. There's a melee weapon too which is a polearm. Contrary to what mages have, these weapons don't exactly represent specs but they all work incredibly well together (although you won't wield both a bow and a fun at once).

Shamans have an interesting collection of weapons. Although they are meant to match the set, they have a slightly different color palette: there's lots of red and orange while the armor has more of blue and yellow. Nevertheless, some might find this combination quite good. The weapons of the set are a fist-weapon, a 1-hand axe, and a shield. 

Finally, Evokers get arms that are a great addition to the set. While the set itself isn't exactly spectacular it's still good looking and weapons make the class' theme even more pronounced. Take a look at the splendor of the 1-hand sword or the staff, or the off-hand lantern. They all have some dragonflight classiness to them!

Get even more rewards this month!

Do you know that you can get 4 Great Vault rewards this August? You can get them of a way higher item level than usual with the help of our carry services! Check out our Mythic Dungeon boosts or Raid carries to see what you can be interested in!

Fox mount

Item name: Crimson Glimmerfur
What is it: Fox mount
Get it for: 600 Trader's Tenders

While it's not easy to surprise anyone with fox mounts these days – we've already had plenty of opportunities to add them – it won't hurt to get another one! Especially when it's so stunningly crimson! The color scheme of the mount is really pleasant and we believe that few people will decide to pass on it.

Candy sword

Item name: Candied Blade
What is it: cosmetic 1-hand sword
Get it for: 600 Trader's Tenders

Some call it candy-cane sword. And indeed it's a sword that has a candy stick for a blade. But how is it a cane? It's just a huge straight candy! Sharp one, too. However you see it, it's a great weapon skin to add to your Christmas transmog. Not all classes and specs might benefit from it since not everyone's capable of wearing 1-hand swords but let's hope that there are more weapon appearances to come next year!

What about non-cosmetic gear?

Perhaps, your character needs some upgrades? Cosmetic items are nice but your in-combat performance is essential to your progress in WoW. Consider getting a fast and affordable Gearing boost – take a look at our options right here!

Dwarven hammers

Item name: Arsenal: Stormrider's Stormhammers (Regal Stormhammer, Thundering Stormhammer)
What is it: a set of two cosmetic 1-hand maces
Get it for: 400 Trader's Tenders

Wildhammer's aesthetic is getting more exposure with yet another item added to the Trading Post. There are 2 options of this 1-hand mace skin: a regular one and a charged one. The charged one features an extra lightning effect that is applied both to the face of it and the adorning feather. Other than that, the hammers are completely identical and that's the whole idea. If you just want a classy Wildhammer weapon, you have that. If you want to cosplay Thor the Thunderer, you have the electrified weapon to use.


Those were some great items for sure! And we haven't even mentioned this month's full progress bar reward which is a pet: a baby moose with pink horns and mane. Speaking of pets, the little one-eyed ogre Garrlok makes a comeback and is up for grabs once again! And it's not just pets – there's a load of weapon transmog of all kinds: an orc blademaster sword, a Draenei-ish crystal axe, a wooden mace, and more. Armor is also plentiful: blademaster's neck beads, long white gloves, Wildhammer Dwarves' ceremonial headgear, and so on. Lots of things to make your character happy with these holidays!

And if you need any help with earning Trader's Tenders or with anything else in the game, feel free to browse our catalog or simply get in touch with us via any messenger you like.

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