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WoW Class sets of Amirdrassil – Mail

This is our Part 2 of the Amridrassil Class Sets series. In the first one we discussed plate sets (for Death Knights, Paladins, and Warriors). This time we'll take a closer look at mail-armor sets. They are reserved for 3 classes: 

  • Evoker, the freshest addition to the roster
  • Hunter, one of the oldest and most loved classes
  • Shaman, another veteran class
So let's see what the Dream's End, the raid of WoW Patch 10.2, brought for them and whether their bonuses (and looks!) are actually worth the effort.

Evoker sets

Visually the sets look alright. Not stunning, not awful – this is just a well-designed raid set that fits the class' fantasy. This is the first Evoker raid set that features a tunic which is also a great thing since the new class doesn't have a plethora of options right now when it comes to styles. Variety is always good. 

Now let's look at what abilities in Evoker's toolkit get upgraded with these sets:

AUGMENTATIONPrescience, EruptionPrescience: each third buff lasts twice as longEruption: deals 110% SP damage and extends the duration of Ebon Might by 0.2, To activate this bonus for your next Eruption, just cast Prescience
DEVASTATIONDragonrage, Emerald TranceDragonrage: while this buff is active, get the Emerald Trance effect every 6 sec. It gives you +5% damage and stacks up to 5 timesEmerald Trance: it remains active for 5 sec per stack after Dragonrage ends. it also gives you Essence Burst every 5 sec
PRESERVATIONEmpower spells, Living FlameEmpower spells: apply the Living Flame effect at targets (40% effectiveness)Living Flame: it now can apply Echo (100% effectiveness) on healed teammates or non-healed ones who don't have Echo
These bonuses look focused on particular combinations: Prescience + Eruption for Augmentation, Dragonrage + Emerald Trance for Devastation, and Empower spells and Living Flame for Preservation. They make perfect sense for each of these specs so you'll likely feel the benefit with the Amidrassil sets.

Hunter sets

Ah, those dragon heads for shoulders. That's a Classic thing – we had the first example of this design back in the Vanilla with Tier 2. The horns are also reminiscent of early sets: tier 3 comes to mind. But of course it's not just a copycat, it's just a likely source of inspiration for this design. All in all, it looks solid and makes sense in every way since it's the expansion in which we interact with dragons all the time. Some of those dragons get wrecked in the process, so a couple of spare, well, heads can be used for shoulder pads.

Now to what Hunters' skills get improved with its bonuses:

BEAST MASTERYBestial Wrath, Dire BeastBestial Wrath: summons a Dire Beast (15 sec duration)Dire Beast: it now obeys Kill Command and has a chance of getting Beast Cleave
MARKSMANSHIPRapid Fire, Legacy of the Windrunner, VolleyRapid Fire: casts a Volley at the target (2 sec)Legacy of the Windrunner: your Volley now gets a chance (15%) to shoot Wind Arrows at targets that you're dealing damage to 
SURVIVALFury of the Eagle, Wildfire BombFury of the Eagle: it nwo gives +15% crit chance and 15% crit damage for 12 secFury of the Eagle: launches an extra Wildfire Bomb, gives you +1 charge for Wildfire Bomb, and gives +40% damage to Wildire Bomb for 12 sec
The bonuses are clear and straight to the point. The focus on Wildifre Bombs for the Survival spec looks really good. You must try it out for sure!
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Shaman sets

Don't get us wrong, we like the sets but wouldn't you agree that they look a bit, well, similar to what we've already seen in shaman sets? Wolves and chains, and some rags (wolf hide or fur or what is it?) – these things have been associated with Shaman gear since Warcraft 3 or even earlier. There's nothing bad about introducing more options of this type of outfit but is it really what their Emerald Dream set should be? Anyway, the look is great and if you don't have other similar sets, it would be a great addition to your collection!

Now let's look at what the bonuses are:

ELEMENTALPrimordial Wave, Lava Burst, Chain LightningPrimordial Wave: casts Elemental Blast at the same target and gives you 3 Elemental Blast bonus effects (15 sec)Lava Burst: +25% damage (4 sec) for 10 sec after consuming Primordial Wave.

Chain Lightning: makes your next Lava Burst hit up to 3 more targets that have Flame Shock on them.
ENHANCEMENTPrimordial WaveIt summons a Lightning Feral Spirit that gives you +20% Nature damage (15 sec)Its cooldown is sped up (-7 sec) with summoning a Feral Spirit
RESTORATIONChain Heal, Healing Surge, Healing Wave, RiptideThe first 3 spells place the Tidal Reservoir buff on the first target they reach. It gives targets +15% Riptide healing (15 sec)Riptide: +15% healing. If it's active on the target with Tidal Reservoir, it gets 5% chance to cast another Riptide on a nearby teammate
Elementals get lots of utility with this one. As many as 3 core abilities get a noticeable power-up. The other 2 specs also get lovely bonuses: Restoration is all about making Riptide even more effective, while Enhancement focuses heavily on Primordial Wave.

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Well, those sets are really, really good. And even though you might not be a fan of what they look like, it's hard to argue that their special effects are great. So make sure to collect at least 4 pieces of them to get all this new power! And if you need any help with that, our raid carries will make your Amirdrassil experience much more pleasant! Browse our catalog to see what we offer or just message us directly to discuss how we can assist you in the Dream's End!

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